
NAVSEA has awarded multiple Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for a wide range of engineering, technical, and programmatic services and solutions for the Virtual SYSCOM (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVSUP, SPAWAR, Strategic Systems Program (SSP), NAVFAC) as well as Commander, Naval Installations (CNI) and the US Marine Corps. SeaPort-e furthers the Navy's Seapower 21 objective to increase efficiency, and allows for tailoring services according to the needs of geographically-dispersed organizations with significantly diverse product area requirements and missions.

Quality Assurance Program

Each of the subheadings below contain essential elements of the CWU Quality Assurance Program (QAP):

Approach to Customer Service/Satisfaction

The success of our approach is due to consistent, effective, open communication. Through effective meetings, accurate and timely reports, and an "open door" policy that encourages interaction, we establish and maintain the open lines of communication that are so vital to program success. As part of the QAP process, CWU developed and implemented a survey program to assist CWU in evaluating our Team’s personnel based on client feedback. This feedback is obtained through a simple survey process resulting in reliable quantitative data. We utilize the collected data to determine potential issues, analyze variance, and develop corrective action plans upon identification. Through inspections and surveys, CWU has the ability to identify problem areas and correct them before they become issues for the client.

Approach to Personnel Management and Training

CWU utilizes an intranet database to track and monitor employees progress through their entire employment with CWU. These tools ensure all PWS requirements are achieved prior to a candidate being hired or mobilizing, in addition to, ensuring all annual requirements are met throughout the period of performance. These tools also provide a historical archive of current and former employee performance metrics that are used for personnel management actions such as employee recognition/promotions, relocation assignments, and retention and re-hire decisions. Also, in an effort to keep our employees abreast of the latest, most advanced technologies, CWU provides excellent opportunities for job-related and career development courses (e.g. annual subject matter training) through local colleges, universities, and online continuing education.

Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making

CWU utilizes a repeatable, logical, systematic six-step process to solve problems. The six-step process is a continuous process utilized daily to proactively identify and implement solutions. Our mangers follow these six steps:

  1. Identify the Problem: Problems are identified through internal surveys, informal and formal client feedback, as well as scheduled/unscheduled inspection of services.
  2. Determine Cause: Root cause analysis and programmatic meetings between all stakeholders to separate causes from symptoms.
  3. Develop Alternative Solutions: Drawing upon the subject matter expertise of the Team, as well as isolating the cause of the variance allows CWU to determine those alternative solutions that are both operationally as well as cost effective.
  4. Select a Solution
  5. Implement the Solution
  6. Evaluate the Outcome: Analysis of outcomes through surveillance and surveys

Approach to Risk Management

Risk Reduction and Management Approach

We consider the prompt and efficient execution of the TO requirements essential to the effective accomplishment of the mission. Risk management is a key element of our management approach. We assess the likelihood and potential consequences of discrete risks and develop mitigation plans for high likelihood or severe consequence risks. Once we identify risks, we immediately develop mitigation plans and set up regular meetings with the client to address these issues. CWU management evaluates all program activities that assesses potential consequences against likelihood of occurrence. We immediately develop risk mitigation plans for those activities trending towards high likelihood/high consequence. Our risk mitigation program provides a structured process to elevate risk awareness to the appropriate level. We empower our management team to commit resources early to avoid program impact.

Approach to Cost Control

CWU has an established process in place to monitor contract and task order costs. CWU has a dedicated cost accountant on staff for all DOD contracts to monitor costs ensuring we stay within our respective budgets. Weekly senior program management reviews recap accounts receivable, expenditure reports (burn rates), equipment requests/purchases and movement/staffing of personnel. CWU conducts reviews weekly to track TO and contract trend rates as it pertains to cost, staffing, Quality Control (QC) and safety. These weekly reviews allow us to identify potential shortfalls and make immediate corrections on a weekly basis throughout the life of the TO and/or contract.
