
NAVSEA has awarded multiple Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for a wide range of engineering, technical, and programmatic services and solutions for the Virtual SYSCOM (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVSUP, SPAWAR, Strategic Systems Program (SSP), NAVFAC) as well as Commander, Naval Installations (CNI) and the US Marine Corps. SeaPort-e furthers the Navy's Seapower 21 objective to increase efficiency, and allows for tailoring services according to the needs of geographically-dispersed organizations with significantly diverse product area requirements and missions.

IS Development, IA & IT Support Functional and Administrative Support Interoperability, Test Evaluation, Trials Support Analytical and Organizational Assessment Support

Program Support

CWU Inc.

CWU provides the United States Intelligence and Security Command (USAINSCOM) with numerous professional, on-site program management teams that oversee personnel support services and subject matter expertise to include the rapid recruitment, vetting and placement of contract personnel into billets deemed necessary to assist global operations, intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination. CWU has maintained a close working relationship with its customers to ensure that the highest caliber professionals are recruited and retained to support the continually evolving demands of various requiring activities. This is proven by CWU's ability to rapidly staff all task orders awarded to CWU under INSCOM's DLITE multiple award schedule (MAS) contract vehicle. Successful contract execution is further evidenced by CWU's exemplar management personnel (at both the ID/IQ and task order levels), quality improvement methodology, and approach to risk management (reference CWU CPARS).

Effective personnel management for CWU's contracts has relied upon meeting the needs of the customer while simultaneously accommodating individual contractor needs to ensure that the workforce remains content, thereby limiting contract attrition. In addition to a skilled program management team, CWU has an expert corporate staff (many military veterans) that supports all contracts from the ID/IQ level. As our past performance and CPARS will attest, CWU is capable of supporting the planning, organization, staffing, controlling, and management of various programs due to its unparalleled attention to project management conducted within in a high-pressure military environment. CWU will bring this managerial expertise to bear upon all Seaport-e task orders to ensure the government of little to no risk in terms of both contract transition and sustained program management support for the life of the task order.
