
NAVSEA has awarded multiple Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for a wide range of engineering, technical, and programmatic services and solutions for the Virtual SYSCOM (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVSUP, SPAWAR, Strategic Systems Program (SSP), NAVFAC) as well as Commander, Naval Installations (CNI) and the US Marine Corps. SeaPort-e furthers the Navy's Seapower 21 objective to increase efficiency, and allows for tailoring services according to the needs of geographically-dispersed organizations with significantly diverse product area requirements and missions.

Program Support IS Development, IA & IT Support Functional and Administrative Support Analytical and Organizational Assessment Support

Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support


In conducting Interoperability, Test and Evaluation Trials Support, Torden, LLC (Torden) follows an in-depth, consistent, and repeatable process that can be applied to both large and small efforts to include software development, systems interoperability, survivability, sustainability, mobility, combat effectiveness and field quality of life. Torden's ultimate goal is to ensure that targeted system or products have been properly tested and that joint interoperability requirements have been fully met at all levels of their life cycle.

In conducting Interoperability, Test and Evaluation Trials Support, Torden works with the end users in order to gain a complete understanding of the mission to include program capability requirements in terms of operational and capability goals. This includes the following:

  1. Phase I: Concept of Operations (CONOPS) & System Description.Torden gains an in-depth understanding of a target system's Concepts of Employment and Operations, as well as its configuration. This includes system architecture, system and user interfaces, and security levels. In developing an understanding of the Government's test and evaluation support goals, Torden reviews pertinent system documents to include Initial Capability Documents (ICD), Capability Development Documents (CDD), Capability Production Documents (CPD), and Requirements Specifications. Torden will also identify whether this is an initial or updated test and evaluation for a targeted system.
  2. Phase II: Identify Special Test and/or Certification Requirements.During this phase, Torden identifies unique system characteristics or support concepts that will generate special test, analysis, and evaluation requirements (e.g., security test and evaluation, system interfaces, etc.), post deployment software support, resistance to chemical, biological, nuclear (NBC), and radiological effects; resistance to countermeasures; resistance to reverse engineering/exploitation efforts (Anti-Tamper).
  3. Phase III: Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Development.Using system specific documentation identified in Phases I & II, Torden works with the Government in developing test cases that test all system requirements in the appropriate environments. Phase III's goal is to develop test cases that ensure warfighter requirements (i.e., interoperability, functionality, interfaces, etc.) are accurately met.
  4. Phase IV: Product Test & Evaluation (PT&E) or Product Acceptance Test and Evaluation (PAT&E).During Phase IV, Torden works with the client and product developers to execute Product Test and Evaluation. Using the test cases developed in Phase III, Torden's testers independently test and evaluate every aspect of a targeted system/product in accordance with systems specifications and end-user goals. Each test is accurately recorded. As issues are identified, Torden records the issues and assign a Rating to each identified issue.
  5. Phase V: After Action Review.Following test and evaluation, Torden holds an AAR with the end user and developers with the goal of reporting all findings, issues, and recommendations, as well as answering any questions or issues that may surface.
