
NAVSEA has awarded multiple Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for a wide range of engineering, technical, and programmatic services and solutions for the Virtual SYSCOM (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVSUP, SPAWAR, Strategic Systems Program (SSP), NAVFAC) as well as Commander, Naval Installations (CNI) and the US Marine Corps. SeaPort-e furthers the Navy's Seapower 21 objective to increase efficiency, and allows for tailoring services according to the needs of geographically-dispersed organizations with significantly diverse product area requirements and missions.

Program Support IS Development, IA & IT Support Interoperability, Test Evaluation, Trials Support Functional and Administrative Support

Analytical and Organizational Assessment Support

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When providing Analytical and Organizational Assessment Support, Torden supplies expert staff skilled in the areas of analytical and organizational assessment support, Human Capital Strategy processes and programs, organizational development efforts, and organizational process improvement efforts. Torden's staff understands the purpose and scope of the Most Efficient Organization (MEO) Teaming Support Services (i.e., Circular No. A-76 dated 29 May 2003).

Additionally, CWU has over a decade's worth of experience providing organizational assessment and human capital management strategies to its programs as a means of continually improving quality and reducing costs throughout the program lifecycle. The CWU QI process focuses upon three critical areas: the identification of waste, a team-driven approach to root cause analysis and the development/implementation of a cost recovery program. For example, CWU has used this QI system to identify cost overruns, and has developed a system of tracking and reporting to improve resource allocation across all CWU contracts. This has offered the government a substantial cost savings without impacting the level of services received. It has also allowed CWU to remain competitive within the federal government contracting marketplace.

Currently, CWU provides cost control staffing support to the government through timely and efficient weekly expenditure reports (e.g. labor, direct costs, indirect costs, etc.). These costs are monitored on a daily basis utilizing an internal burn rate calculator with results being provided to the government in the weekly reports. Furthermore, CWU has a qualified cost accounting department that assists in the management of cost control efforts and provides staffing support and assistance to the government at no additional cost. These cost accounting measures allows CWU to provide the government with timely EAC reports to close out task order POP years. All of this includes extensive experience with government fund cite and ACRN classifications in addition to working with DFAS through WAWF to mitigate invoicing issues.
